
Legal notice


Provider of services in accordance with §5 of the Digital Services Act (DDG):

Sonnentor 2
99098 Erfurt

Tel.: +49 361 26 280-0
Fax: +49 361 26 280-175

Management: Volker Eck, Dr. Martin Kraus
Commercial register entry: Jena District Court, HRB 508042
VAT registration number: DE 285 241 540
Business identification number: DE 285 241 540 - 00001 


  • unless otherwise stated: © QUNDIS GmbH (copyright: Christopher Schmid)
  • © gremlin: Large group of luminous elements descending urban concrete staircase | (ID: 918749052) | Page “Job & Career”, incl. sub-pages - respectively footer graphics
  • © champpixs: Document management system, online documentation database and process automation for efficient file management | (ID: 1462653884) | Page “Solutions / Q AMR” - header graphic

General terms of use

On this website QUNDIS GmbH stores specific information and software, sometimes including documentation, for access or downloading. QUNDIS GmbH has the right to suspend operation of this website partly or completely at any time. On account of the nature of the internet and computer systems QUNDIS GmbH does not accept any liability for the uninterrupted availability of the website.

Obligations of the user

Use is solely permitted for the purposes stated by us. When using this website, users must not:

  • injure or infringe the privacy of any person, particularly those under-age;
  • infringe morality with their usage;
  • infringe commercial protection rights and copyrights or other property rights;
  • transmit contents with viruses, so-called Trojan horses or other programmes that can damage the software;
  • enter, save or transmit hyperlinks when not authorised to do so, particularly when these hyperlinks or contents infringe secrecy obligations or are illegal; or
  • send advertising or unsolicited emails (so-called “spam”) or inappropriate virus warnings, faulty functions and the like, or request participation in competitions, snowball systems, chain letters, pyramid games and similar campaigns.

Intellectual property

Information, brand names and other contents of this website may not be changed, copied, duplicated, sold, leased, used, supplemented or otherwise processed without prior written permission. Apart from the usage rights or other rights specified here, the user is not granted any further rights of any kind, in particular rights related to the company name and commercial protection rights such as patents, utility patents or brands, nor are we obliged in any way to grant these rights.

Other liability, viruses

The liability of QUNDIS GmbH for material and legal defects is in accordance with the above conditions of use. Any other liability for QUNDIS GmbH is excluded unless liability is mandatory, e.g. on account of the product liability law, intent, gross negligence, fatal injury, physical injury or health damage, the acceptance of a properties guarantee, malicious concealment of a fault or infringement of major contractual obligations. Compensation claims for infringement of major contractual duties are limited to typical foreseeable damage, however, unless intent or gross negligence is involved.

Although QUNDIS GmbH always strives to keep the website virus-free, QUNDIS GmbH cannot guarantee that this is the case. Before users download any information, software and documentation from this website, they are advised for their own protection to make security arrangements and organise a virus scanner for their own protection and to prevent viruses.

Liability for legal and material defects

Where information, software or documentation is provided free of charge, liability for material and legal defects in information, software and documentation is excluded, particularly in terms of their correctness, freedom from defects, freedom from industrial property rights and copyrights of third parties, completeness and/or usability – except where deliberate intent or deceit are involved.

The information on this website can contain specifications or general descriptions of technical possibilities for products which do not always have to be available in individual cases (e.g. on account of product changes). For this reason, the required product performance features must always be agreed specifically on purchase.


Kallinich Media GmbH & Co.KG


+49 361 26 280-0