Service and information
Ronny Schübel
Technical Support
Phone +49 361 26 280 260
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
General questions
If your measuring device is damaged or defective please contact your metering service.
All QUNDIS devices carry out an internal check every four minutes. If the check indicates that there is a problem, an ‘Error’ message is displayed. You should report this to your metering service.
Your measuring service will check if your devices are installed correctly.
The reading and maintenance of your devices is implemented by the metering service which is responsible for you.
Consumption-based billing makes a considerable contribution to sustainable consumption of energy and water and accordingly to conserving the climate. Investigations indicate that the existence of metering devices on their own makes possible savings of between 20% and 30%. We only use our resources economically if consumption is measured. Blanket distribution, on the other hand, promotes waste. Consumption-based billing is mandatory in accordance with § 4 of the heat cost directive.
From an electromagnetic point of view our radio system is perfectly safe. The transmission output of our radio metering devices is well below 10 milliwatt. Current mobile phones (4G) have an average output of 200 milliwatt. As a result the average radiation level of mobile phones is up to 20 times higher than is the case with the QUNDIS radio systems. The optimised transmission performance and minimal transmission time of the metering devices ensure that the relevant levels are well below the limits imposed by federal emissions protection regulations.
Various password stages in our software ensure that unauthorised persons cannot gain access to the data. Because of the special structure of the data telegram, the data cannot be decrypted without being processed by our software components (radio software, device drivers). The fact that the devices cannot be assigned (local data such as the name of the tenant, flat number etc.) means that no conclusions can be drawn about user behaviour. These technical features reliably prevent any manipulation of the transmitted data within our radio systems.
No, replacing the batteries is not possible. The device has to be replaced completely.
Because of calibration obligations warm water meters and heat meters have to be calibrated every five years and cold water meters every six years. The owner of the property is responsible for meeting calibration obligations.
Heat cost allocators
In our device we always have the clock on winter time. This means that the set start time is suitable in winter, but one hour too late in summer.
Therefore, the start time for the whole year is set one hour earlier. On the other hand, the device transmits one hour longer in summer with the stop time set for winter.
Throughout the year we guarantee the start and stop times expected by the meter-reader, whereby one hour earlier in winter and one hour longer in summer.
Then there are the start and stop times and the reserves for watch tolerance of one hour each.
This ensures that the device clock does not deviate from the real time by more than one hour in 10 years.
By adding this tolerance to start and stop time, it is ensured that the devices transmit within the specified time window between start and stop time, even after 10 years.
A heat cost allocator with a unit scale only displays a value without a unit. The consumption value is only calculated using a formula.
Heat cost allocators only count when the temperature of the radiator is higher than the room temperature.
In 1-sensor operation a constant value is prescribed for the ambient temperature and only the radiator temperature is measured. In 2-sensor operation the actual difference between the ambient temperature and the radiator temperature is calculated. The measuring value is recorded via one (radiator) or two temperature sensors (radiator and ambient temperature sensor).
In the case of the unit scale each heat cost allocator is programmed with the same K-values. When the bill is drawn up the displayed value is multiplied by the evaluation factors of the radiator, which are also calculated. The valuation factor depends on the heating output of the radiator, the type of radiator and type of assembly, details of which are printed on the bill. The total of the calculated values appear on the bill as a consumption unit. In the case of the product scale each heat cost allocator is already programmed with the K value for the radiator. The values displayed on the bill are the same as the values on the heat cost allocator.
Heat meters
With every electronic heat meter you can have the current and the annual consumption displayed. To access the menu you press the upper key twice and the lower key once. Level LO shows you current consumption, level L1 the annual consumption. With the upper key you can switch from level to level and with the lower key you can move from field to field within an individual level. To return to the menu from within a level you press both keys at the same time.
We offer various types of electronic heat meters. The data sheets on our website will explain to you what appears in the display of your heat meter.
Water meters
We offer various types of electronic water meter. The data sheets on our website will explain to you what appears in the display of your water meter.