
Hummel helps!

Installation videos by and with Hummel

Installation videos

Installation: Q caloric 5.5
(panel radiator)

Installing and reading the Q caloric heat cost allocator on a panel radiator, determining the mounting position on the radiator, setting welding points, installing and attaching a seal on the heat cost allocator, operational start-up, radio transmission activation and assembly documentation.

Product information

Installation: Q caloric 5.5
(sectional radiator)

Installing the Q caloric heat cost allocator on a sectional radiator (e.g. in the bathroom) and taking readings, determining the mounting position on the sectional radiator, installing and attaching a seal to the heat cost allocator, operational start-up, radio transmission activation and installation documentation.

Product information

Reading the Q heat 5
heat meter

Obtaining the annual reading figures, quick reading, navigation through the levels to obtain various operating and service parameters.

Product information

Installation: Q heat 5
heat meter screw fitting

Installation of the screw-type heat meter Q heat 5 in the return circuit of the pipe network, installation and attaching a seal to the temperature sensors (direct immersion) and the meter, start-up of the meter, filling out the K9 report.

Product information

Installation: Q heat 5
heat meter measuring capsule

Installation of the Q heat 5 IST measuring capsule heat meter in an existing 2” single-pipe connector, dismantling of the old device, identification and technically correct insertion of the temperature sensor in an immersion sleeve, installation of a lead seal, operational start-up, filling out the K9 report.

Product information

Installation: Q heat split
split heat meter

Installation of the Q heat splitt heat meter, installation and securing of the ultrasonic flow meter and temperature sensor, attaching a seal to the calculator, functional check, filling out the K9 commissioning report.

Product information

Installation: Q water 5.5
measuring capsule water meter

Installation of the electronic water meter Q water 5.5, installation of the hot and cold water capsules, attaching a seal to the water meter, starting radio telegrams, reading with Q suite.

Product information

Installation of an AMR meter network
with the Q node 5 network node

Klaus Hummel from QUNDIS explains how to professionally install the Q node 5 network node and use it to set up an AMR radio network for remote meter reading. This video also shows radio metering with Q check and radio activation of heat cost allocators and water meters.

Product information

Installation and operational start-up
Q gateway 5

Installation of the Q gateway 5 smart gateway, setting up the system for remote meter reading, identifying the network, starting up the gateway, network scan, attaching a seal to the housing and filling out the commissioning report.

Product information

Installation and operational start-up
of the Q gateway 5

Installation of the Q gateway 5 smart gateway, setting up the system for remote meter reading, identifying the network, starting up the gateway, network scan, attaching a seal to the housing and filling out the commissioning report.

Product information

Registering for the QUNDIS
Smart Metering Platform

In this episode, Klaus shows you how to register for the QUNDIS Smart Metering Platform. You can use the Q SMP to configure the Q gateway 5 yourself. Access the Q SMP web portal here:

Q SMP Registration form

How the QUNDIS Smart Metering Platform works

In this episode, Klaus shows you how to set up the QUNDIS Smart Metering Platform for remote meter reading. You can use the Q SMP to administer and configure different locations and gateways yourself. Access the Q SMP web portal here:

Management of locations using the
QUNDIS Smart Metering Platform

Managing locations using Q SMP, setting up and making changes to locations, accessing network information, searching for gateways, accessing gateway activities, viewing technical information - access the Q SMP web portal here:

Configuring remote meter reading on the QUNDIS Smart Metering Platform

Configuring readout of the Q gateway 5 on the Q SMP, setting up regular readouts / individual readouts, automatic forwarding of data by email on the Q SMP - access the Q SMP web portal here:

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