Terms and conditions of participation
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Terms and conditions of participation
§ 1 Procedure and scope of application
(1) The request for individual training is made by the person interested in the training (referred to below as the “participant”) in principle via the field service or the relevant technical contact person for the purpose of coordinating the training content with QUNDIS GmbH (referred to below as the “organiser”).
(2) QUNDIS GmbH prepares an individual training offer.
(3) A contract between the two parties only comes into legal effect with the written confirmation of the training offer.
(4) In order to guarantee that the training courses can take place, the number of participants for all courses is limited.
§ 2 Charges and scope of services
(1) The fees (plus VAT) include participation in the event, training documentation (which will be provided subsequently) and refreshments. The price also includes the issuing of a record of participation or a certificate.
(2) Travel and accommodation are not included in the price and will be agreed separately, for a flat fee.
(3) Unless other payment terms are agreed, invoices are due upon receipt and are to be transferred immediately to the bank account of QUNDIS GmbH, quoting the invoice number.
(4) Set-off against claims by the organiser is only possible if the participant's counterclaim is undisputed or a legally binding claim exists, provided that the claims do not arise from the same contractual relationship. The participant can only assert a right of retention if this is based on claims arising from the contract that has been concluded.
§ 3 Cancellation
(1) Cancellation is free of charge up to two weeks before the event. For cancellations up to seven days before the start of the training course, 50% of the price is payable. After that, the full price is payable.
(2) Cancellation must be made in writing by email.
§ 4 The right to make changes
(1) The organiser reserves the right to make unscheduled changes and to postpone or cancel a training course (e.g. due to the unavailability of an instructor or a lack of minimum attendance). The contractor will immediately inform the participant of any necessary changes.
(2) In the event that a training course has to be postponed or cancelled, the participant can either agree to a different date for the training or withdraw from the contract with the organiser.
(3) The participant cannot claim any further damages.
(4) The participant is also not entitled to claim compensation for cancellations or restrictions in service due to force majeure, such as crises, wars, natural disasters, traffic disruptions and the like.
§ 5 Record of participation
The organiser will provide the participant with written record of participation in the course or with a certificate.
§ 6 Limitation of liability
(1) The organiser will only be liable for damages in accordance with the applicable statutory provisions and subject to the following conditions.
(2) The organiser will be liable for damage arising from injury to life, limb or health, as well as for damage caused by intent or gross negligence on the part of the organiser or its legal representatives or agents, as well as for damage resulting from failure to comply with a guarantee given by the organiser or due to fraudulently concealed defects.
(3) Subject to the limitation of compensation for foreseeable damage typical of the contract, the organiser will be liable for such damage as is due to a slightly negligent breach of material contractual obligations by the organiser or its legal representatives or agents. Material contractual obligations are obligations whose fulfilment is essential to the proper performance of the contract and on whose compliance the participant may regularly rely.
(4) In all other liability cases, claims for damages due to the breach of an obligation arising from the contract or due to unlawful acts are excluded, so that the organiser cannot be held liable for any financial losses incurred by the participant.
(5) Insofar as the liability of the organiser is excluded or limited due to the above provisions, this also applies to the personal liability of the legal representatives, employees, staff, representatives and agents of the organiser.
§ 7 Copyright
(1) The organiser reserves all rights to the training documents. This applies in particular to the right to translate, duplicate and reprint the entire course documentation or parts thereof.
(2) Without the prior written consent of the organiser, no part of the training documents may be changed, reproduced, transmitted for public reproduction, forwarded to third parties or, in particular, used for the purpose of organising training events.