< back to News | 16. September 2020 |

New Features for the Q SMP

QUNDIS has provided its Smart Metering Platform (Q SMP) with an update. This contains new process features for the remote maintenance of radio networks with automated meter reading (AMR) for recording consumption data for water and heating.

In the past few months two release levels have been published as part of the Q SMP system. At the beginning of May 2020 Version 3.0 was implemented with the possibility of remote maintenance of Q AMR radio networks. Thanks to the new improved features, users of the Q SMP can now change network operating modes directly from the office if necessary.

For example, it is possible to remotely activate the advanced search mode in order to synchronise network nodes and metering devices. With the extended standard mode it is already possible to “boot up” the network from the office. This means that work on site can begin as soon as the technician arrives.

The Q SMP is the cloud-based complete solution from QUNDIS GmbH for recording consumption data. If the Q AMR remote meter reading system is used, it is complemented by the Q SMP. The cloud-based Q SMP provides the metering service with the desired meter data fully automatically by email or SFTP and in various file formats. The Q AMR and Q SMP enable metering services to fulfil the EED requirements which apply to remote meter reading devices. These will become mandatory for new installations as of 25.10.2020 and for existing installations as of 31.12.2026. More information about the Q SMP is available here.